The window for 2024 submissions has closed. We are sorry if you missed it. Please join us in the spring for our annual Flash Fiction Contest, at next year’s workshop, or both! You can let us know you want to participate in 2025!
What Happens If You Enrolled
About two weeks before the workshop you will receive an email packet with the manuscripts of the other students in your group along with other materials concerning the workshop and the schedule. Review and critique the manuscripts in your group before the workshop meets. You will not have time to do so once the workshop begins. You are required to read and critique all student manuscripts sent to you in your workshop packet.
If you are triggered by particular content and would like to either avoid that content or have a warning included with your workshop packet, please contact the Workshop Director at
You will also receive a questionnaire asking you to select a lunch option. We get lunches catered by the hotel to maximize your time in the workshop.
About the Workshop
The morning panel sessions will cover a wide range of topics from managing craft elements such as style, plot, theme, and characterization to the dos and don’ts of preparing your work for professional markets and different approaches to publication (e.g. traditional vs. independent).
During the afternoon breakout sessions, participants work together in small groups along with two instructors to exchange critiques. Students
may choose to join a group in the Milford style or Mary Robinette Kowal’s ABCD Critique Style (see also the video How to Train Your Internal Editor). Each participant will receive a personal, in-depth critique of their work from both the instructors and their peers. Learning to receive – and to give – a meaningful critique of a work in progress is an invaluable skill for writers who would like to better assess and improve their own writing.
No refunds will be given once manuscripts are released to the instructors and other participants. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, you cannot attend the workshop, we will e-mail your group’s critiques to you. You will also be responsible for getting your feedback to the other students in your assigned group.
If you have any questions about the Writers’ Workshop, please e-mail the Workshop Director at
See you September 6!
Nick Edinger & Denman Netherland
ArmadilloCon Writers Workshop