Code of Conduct
This policy applies to interactions between those with ArmadilloCon memberships, and between those attendees and all other people on site during ArmadilloCon, including the hotel staff and guests of the hotel who are not attending the convention.
Be respectful and courteous towards others. We expect you to understand that you need to ask before you touch someone who might object and that no means no. Costumes and other attire are not an invitation for harassment. Harassment of any kind, from intimidation to illegal behavior, will not be tolerated. We also expect you to refrain from other types of illegal, destructive, and hazardous conduct.
We at ArmadilloCon are committed to providing a convention experience that is fun for everyone involved. ArmadilloCon is dedicated to providing a harassment-free convention for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of convention participants in any form. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
If you believe that you are being harassed by another person at ArmadilloCon, we recommend that you tell the person in a clear and unambiguous manner that their conduct is unwelcome and that you want it to stop. If the conduct does not cease after you have warned the offending person to stop, you should visit the Registration Desk and ask to speak to the Chair.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. You will be treated with respect and your concerns will be taken seriously. The names of all people involved will be kept confidential to the extent possible, but any accused has the right to know enough detail to be able to defend him- or herself. We reserve the right to revoke the membership, with no refund, of anyone who does not adhere to this Code of Conduct.
You must be at least 21 years of age to legally consume alcoholic beverages in Texas. Be prepared to show a photo ID which shows your age before being served alcohol. If you cannot produce proof of age, you will not be served alcohol.
Your badge is the property of the Fandom Association of Central Texas, Inc., the sponsors of ArmadilloCon. You must be wearing your badge to participate in all ArmadilloCon events. If you lose your badge, please notify the Registration Desk. There is a replacement fee of $5 per lost badge.
Hospitality Suite
The people overseeing the Hospitality Suite may, at their discretion, bar disruptive individuals from the Hospitality Suite.
Hotel Walls
Please do not tape items to the hotel walls except as approved. Ask at the Registration Desk.
Mobile Phones
Please set mobile phones to silent during ArmadilloCon events.
No Smoking
In the City of Austin, smoking is not allowed in public places. This ban includes bars, restaurants and other public areas such as the hotel lobby and elevators. Smoking is also forbidden within 15 feet of any pedestrian entrance, again per city ordinance.
Parties held in a hotel room are considered the responsibility of the person who rented the room. Thus, a person throwing a party in his or her hotel room has the right to eject any person from his or her party if he or she deems that the person is behaving inappropriately.
Check with the hotel.
Refund Policy
No refunds will be given after pre-registration has closed. This includes, but is not limited to, fees for registration, advertisements, and Dealers’ Room tables.
Weapons Policy
Weapons are strictly prohibited at ArmadilloCon. Weapons purchased in the Dealers’ Room must be secured in public spaces. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the immediate revocation of your membership, with no refund.