Juan Manuel Pérez will be appearing at ArmadilloCon 2024!
Juan Manuel Pérez, a Mexican-American poet of Indigenous descent and the Poet Laureate for Corpus Christi, Texas (2019-2020), is the author of numerous poetry books including the poetic-memoir, THIRTY YEARS AGO: LIFE AND THE FIRST GULF WAR (2023) and the Mexican-American Barrio Horror Novel-In-Verse, LA SANTA MADRE TAMALERA (2023). Juan, a former migrant worker, is also the 2021 Horror Authors Guild’s Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award winner and a recipient of a 2021 Horror Writers Association Diversity Grant. This Speculative Poet’s credits also include two Pushcart Prize Nominations (2017, 2023), three Elgin Book Award Nominations (2021, 2022, 2023), four Rhysling Award Nominations (2011, 2012, 2013, 2020), four Dwarf Star Award Nominations (2012, 2020, 2021, 2022) with one Honorable Mention win in 2022, and one H.E.R.O.I.C. People’s Choice Award Nomination (2024). To learn more about this award-winning poet, combat vet, history teacher, and Native American Gourd Dancer, please check out his official website at: www.juanmperez.com.