Rick Klaw

Rick Klaw will be appearing at ArmadilloCon 2024!

Besides his current tenure as the Publicity Manager and occasional editor for Tachyon Publications, the so-called optimistic curmudgeon Richard “Rick” Klaw has edited numerous publications, most notably the anthologies The Apes of Wrath, Rayguns Over Texas, and the groundbreaking Weird Business (with Joe R. Lansdale). For Tachyon, he’s responsible for the majority of the Lansdale titles including all the Hap and Leonard books, Things Get Ugly, and the forthcoming In the Mad Mountains: Stories Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft and Josh Rountree’s first novel The Legend of Charlie Fish. In the 90s the Klaw-fronted Mojo Press predicated several of the 21st century publishing models. As a writer, he has provided countless reviews, essays, and fiction for a variety of publications including The Austin Chronicle, Blastr, Moving Pictures Magazine, San Antonio Current, Kirkus Reviews, SF Signal, Geek Dad, SF Site, RevolutionSF, Electric Velocipede, and The San Antonio Business Journal. Many of his writings were collected in Geek Confidential: Echoes from the 21st Century (MonkeyBrain).

Photo by Brandy Whitten, via Tachyon Publications website. Used by permission.