Nia “N.E.” Davenport

Nia “N.E.” Davenport will be appearing at ArmadilloCon 2024!

Nia “N.E.” Davenport is the award-winning author of “The Blood Trials” and its sequel “The Blood Gift.” She is also the author of the speculative thriller “Out of Body.” She’s served as a member of the Hugo-nominated FIYAHCON team, in which she helped organize the SFF convention’s programming. She attended the University of Southern California and studied Biological Sciences and Theatre. She has an M.A. in Secondary Education. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys vacationing with her family, skiing, and being a huge foodie. She’s an advocate for diverse perspectives and protagonists in literature. You can find her online at, on Twitter @nia_davenport, or on Instagram @nia.davenport, where she talks about binge-worthy TV, fun movies, and killer books.