Michael Marotta will be appearing at ArmadilloCon 2024!
Mike Marotta currently (2020-2024) edits and writes for “This Month in Astronomical History” of the American Astronomical Society. He taught robot operations and programming for Kawasaki Robotics (USA). He has been granted several literary awards for his non-fiction writing. The first came from a nomination by a Smithsonian curator. That article on the origins of coinage corrected the Encyclopedia Britannica. The second was for a biography of Sir Isaac Newton’s 30-year tenure as warden and master of the British Royal Mint. While learning to fly, he wrote for regional and local aviation periodicals. As a petty officer in the Maritime Regiment of the Texas State Guard, he taught computer operations for emergency management. He is a card-carrying criminologist (BS and MA Eastern Michigan University). His first (of two) science fiction short stories, “Building on Mars,” appeared in Plan & Print, (International Reprographic Association, Chicago, September 1987). He was paid a dollar a word.