Matthew Bey

Matthew Bey will be appearing at ArmadilloCon 2024!

Matthew Bey is a writer, editor, internet marketer, and country gentleman living in Austin, Texas.

He co-founded the print zine Space Squid and assistant-edited at the Drabblecast podcast. He contributed to the futurist blog No Fear of the Future. His short stories have appeared in Black Gate Magazine, Town Drunk, Pseudopod, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, and many other venues. With co-creator Nicky Drayden, he writes the Deep Austin series.

Texas Parks and Wildlife has officially certified Matthew as a Freshwater Elite Angler.

Podcasts he has contributed to include Bad Roll Models (Game Master), This Week in the Multiverse with S.G. Wilson (contributing voice work and content), the fishing-oriented Last Cast Podcast (with Jamey Maness), and the gritty detective podcast Corpus Thunder. He also serves on the highly secretive Loquat Fest governing council.