FF Contest Social on Sun Mar 24!

The 2024 ArmadilloCon FF Eclipse Contest has officially closed!

Come Socialize!

Contestants, guests, and friends of ArmadilloCon are welcome to join us on Sunday, March 24, 7pm, please join us at Cosmic Coffee + Beer for an informal social to celebrate the close of the competition.

Call for Readers

We are looking for volunteers interested in voting on and providing feedback to writers on their submissions. All scoring will be blind. If you are interested, please email writersworkshop at armadillocon, and you will receive instructions on how to participate. The feedback and votes provide invaluable support to writers.    

Don’t Miss These Stories!

Jacki Moffa made her first sale after last year’s contest. “Playing Grubs,” one of last year’s winners, was published in Space Squid!

Patrick R. Wilson took the feedback he got on his contest submission last year, made revisions, and then sold the revised story, “The Grand Voyager,” to The Colored Lens. You can read that story in their Summer 2023 issue

We hope that this year’s contest is also fruitful for ArmadilloCon’s writing community!